We thought we'd try a place that we hadn't been to before, which we had read about in a tourist brochure...It's called Oakham Treasures and is just the place for a nostalgic girl, or for those who'd like a trip down memory lane. It's situated on a farm near the coast at Cleveden.

Just as we were paying to go inside I noticed a large sign which said cameras prohibited...Oh poop, I thought, now I can't share my day with all the lovely Blogging ladies...

So hubby and I wandered around the vast collections of packaging, advertising boards and merchandise, oohing and ahhing at all the lovely graphics and remembering some of the items from way back when...with twitchy fingers that wanted to be clicking the camera button!

It would take a whole day to really study and take note of all the items in the smart old shop display cases and counters, but we whiled away a good couple of hours. When we finally got to the exit, I was still feeling slightly miffed that I hadn't been able to take photos, so wrote a comment in the visitors book that they had left out - The gist of which went something like this; 'A lovely visit, but such a shame that you do not allow photos to be taken. For what it is worth, I would have included some on my blog on the www, which could have led to some free advertising for you'.
Hubby and I then headed off through the foodie farm shop that they have on the premises, where I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder! The owner had come running up to me and asked if I had just left the message in his visitor's book. I said 'I had', and he explained that as of yesterday, they had decided to allow photography, but they had not had the time to take down all of the signs forbidding it!

So, being the good girl that I am ;-)), I asked if I could go back in to take some photos and I would upload them onto my blog when I got home...He happily let me back in and here we are...lots of nostalgic lovelies are now on this post! Hope you enjoy them...


So, being the good girl that I am ;-)), I asked if I could go back in to take some photos and I would upload them onto my blog when I got home...He happily let me back in and here we are...lots of nostalgic lovelies are now on this post! Hope you enjoy them...


(One of the local yokels!)
The amount of beautiful advertising boards and enamelled signs on display is phenomenal...I rarely see any at the antiques fairs and flea markets these days...probably because they are all in private collections or museums!

Just look at this mind-blowing selection!

Wouldn't you just love to go shopping here?


Even the cigarettes look tempting! ;-)) Well, I'd like the poster at least...

Look at that gorgeous advertising corset mannequin.

Just look at this mind-blowing selection!

Wouldn't you just love to go shopping here?


Even the cigarettes look tempting! ;-)) Well, I'd like the poster at least...
And I thought of Lizzie whilst I perused the lingerie dept.! ;-)) I could just picture her having a field day selecting items to add to her fashion fair stalls.



Look at that gorgeous advertising corset mannequin.

So there we are, I left Oakham a very happy bunny after all and would certainly recommend a visit to any vintage-lover.

We then headed off to Cleveden for a bite of lunch and a sea view-fix...Two 'fixes' in one week can't be bad - first the bluebells and then the sea...I do love to see the sea every now and then...

We came home via Bristol as I wanted to call into a shop on Christmas Steps.


(When hubby and I moved from the SE to the SW too many years ago now to mention; the steps were the first place that we visited when we we getting to know the area of our new home.)

We then headed off to Cleveden for a bite of lunch and a sea view-fix...Two 'fixes' in one week can't be bad - first the bluebells and then the sea...I do love to see the sea every now and then...

We came home via Bristol as I wanted to call into a shop on Christmas Steps.


(When hubby and I moved from the SE to the SW too many years ago now to mention; the steps were the first place that we visited when we we getting to know the area of our new home.)

I had read in a copy of 'Homes & Antiques' magazine last year that there was a shop called 'Shop' on the steps which sold vintage fashions and hats. The search for vintage hats is what brought me here, but on entering the shop there were none to be found. It was very retro and 'not me', so we left, called it a day, and went home.

When I got home the girls had already started baking a Birthday cake and they had taken delivery of several bunches of flowers for me. They also spoiled me with boxes of chocolates and a bottle of wine.


And can I just show you some of my other pressies?...


When I got home the girls had already started baking a Birthday cake and they had taken delivery of several bunches of flowers for me. They also spoiled me with boxes of chocolates and a bottle of wine.


And can I just show you some of my other pressies?...
This is the adorable Violet that hubby bought at the V&H from the very talented Nicky (of course!)
She's such a lovely violety shade and will sit comfortably in our living room.
Hub also bought me this beautiful vintage lace necklace from the V&H from 'Tiddly PomPom' aka Louise Taylor-Bowen.

I had this stunning 1940's hat for my collection from my Mum and Dad...

Sue knows of my love of the sea and so she treated me to a coastal breeze scented candle, shell mobile for our garden beach hut, and some packets of seeds.

Sue knows of my love of the sea and so she treated me to a coastal breeze scented candle, shell mobile for our garden beach hut, and some packets of seeds.

Lizzie gave me these two miniature celluloid cuties, both with matching real china mugs (rose decorated, no less!) - all of which will be moving into my dolls house shortly....

Maggie had been busy with her needle once again and made me a flapper girl hat stand and the wonderful toadstool pincushion. Isn't the hand embroidery lovely? (I think that I should try and persuade her to make some of these for my shop! ;-))

I'm so lucky to have such kind and thoughtful friends.
Helen surprised me with this dreamy framed print, which does have a little tale to go with it. You see, Helen has exactly the same one, which was her Grandmother's.

I have always admired it and wrote about it in my book telling of the nostalgic story that Helen conveyed to me. I feel so lucky to have my very own one of these delightful pictures and will treasure it and all of my gifts for ever.

Teena wrapped some pretty vintage china pieces which she posted off to me too. OK, I know I'm spoilt!
Finally my friend Debbie had just returned from Bruges, where she found this fabulous sign for my shop. How perfect is that?!
Things were back to normal again today and I've been back at the shop...
I did pick up a copy of 'Homes & Antiques' though. As some of you have already noticed (thank you kindly for your comments!) our home is featured in this June issue. Sadly they printed our home address as my shop's address, which was a bit annoying, as I could do with some extra promotion for my shop. I've been in touch with Nicky the journalist, who argued my case with the editor (apparently they were extremely appologetic) and so hopefully something will be done to rectify in a future issue.
I'll add some photos of the magazine article tomorrow, if I have time.
Have a lovely evening,
Niki x
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln.
First and foremost ~ Happy Birthday a little late! Your day sounds dreamy and I could live forever in this treasure trove!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Niki !!
ReplyDeleteWow what a lot of amazing presents you had, lucky you!
I've never been to Oakham and it looks amazing in your photos. I love the Abe Lincoln quote - so apt!
Now here's wishing you more days of Birthday loveliness followed by a weekend of more Birthday treats, and of course, followed by a very happy year ahead!
Denise x
Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a wonderful day. A place on the list definitely to visit!
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday, Niki!!!! What an amazing collection in the museum.... It seems like you had a great day!!
Hi I have been following your blogg for a while and just love it, my dad lives in Devon how far are you from Bovey Tracy and also I want to know how I can get one of your dolls I have tryed so amny times to buy one and I am all ways to late and they are all sold. I would like to buy one with the union jack dress as part of her dress is there any chance I can order one , I live in the USA but am a Brit. I will leave you my email just incase you can do one for me. Thanks oh by the way your shop is lovely. Englishteacup@hotmail.com
ReplyDeletewow you certainly are a lucky girl so glad you had a magical birthday
ReplyDeletethose places look amazing
Many happy returns xx
Happy belated birthday, you certainly received some fabulous presents. Obviously all your friends and relations really know what you would like. Got Homes & Antiques yesterday. Your home looks fabulous, so many beautiful vintage things.
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I feel terribly old remembering the shops were like that when I was little(our first 'supermarket' where I lived was built in 1964 when I was 10)Biscuits and sugar were taken from glass jars and margarine cut and wrapped! And haberdashery shops having the containers with money in which pinged and whizzed over your head!Oh I do long for those days, there were never any queues! Happy Birthday by the way, best wishes Betty x
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful day! It sounds like you were surrounded by all the things and people you love. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely day and some pretty presents from family and friends. i am envious. Happy belated birthday
ReplyDeleteAll the best Sue
Hi Niki!
ReplyDeleteI hope you (sorry late) a happy birthday !!!!!!
Violet is really delicious! ;o)
I think our next trip to England, visiting the museum Portbury ... wonderful!
I look forward to the post with photos of service your shop (waoww!).
A dear greeting, Maria e Sergio.
Hope its not too late to wish you Happy birthday and many happy returns dear Niki and from your post, looks like you had a fab birthday celebration with your love ones!
ReplyDeleteBelated birthday wishes to you.Wow!you had a great time and some gorgeous presents...lucky you!
ReplyDeleteBellaboo :0)
Happy Birthday Niki! What a lovely day you had! That cottage print is so sweet - I'll have to make a copy of your book my next reading purchase!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday (belatedly)! I am so glad you not only had a great day out but were also able to photograph it for us - it really looks wonderful, and not far from my PiL's home, so I will look out for that one...
ReplyDeleteI'm posting about your pretty May forget me nots on the calendar today.
Hi Niki
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, sounds like you had a wonderful day. Love the Abraham Lincoln quote - very fitting.
Jo xx
Belated birthday greetings!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a wonderful day! Did you find it hard to get to sleep after so much visual delights? I usually do and end up getting up and being creative!
Have a great weekend.
Sandie xx
ReplyDeleteBon anniversaire (en retard)
Vous avez passé une belle journée, la boutique vintage a l'air vraiment belle !
I'll try to find "Homes & Antique" at my newsagent. But very annoying your hmoe adress printed on the magazine ...
Bonnne journée.
A very happy, belated, birthday, Niki. The pictures of Oakham look amazing, must look into how to get there when I am Plymouth...it's probably a mammoth trip!
ReplyDeleteYour presents are wonderful and varied, lucky girl.
Z xx
Happy Birthday Niki! It looks as if you hada lovely day & were thoroughly spoilt!
Happy Belated Birthday wishes Niki :)
ReplyDeleteThankyou for sharing your wonderful day and presents with us:)
The photos are beautiful, and your new door sign is lovely :)
I hope you do share some of the photos with us out of the magazine-I (and I'm sure many others) will look forward to them if you have the time...
I've been following your blog for a while now -it's one of my favourites :0)
Have a great weekend..
Donna x
What a great post Niki, well done for the comments in the vistors book .. it is so annoying not being able to take photo's .... it looks great there ... i would love to take the family along to see it this summer.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday by the way !!!
gorgeous pressies and LOVE the little mushroom pin cushion .. i would have one :-)
best wishes Ginny xx
Glad you had such a lovely day, Niki. Shall certainly make a trip to Oakham one day.
ReplyDeleteOooh, all those tractors in one place - so much part of my childhood I'll be spending the day reminiscing!!
Sue x