Sunday, May 06, 2007

21 Again!!

Please forgive this very self-indulgent post, but it was my Birthday yesterday and I have never been so spoilt in all of my life! I had a wonderful day and some amazing presents that had been put together with great care and thought. I also received not one....

Not two.....
But three bouquets of flowers!!

I had this beautiful fabric covered vintage box and treasures, including a Michal Negrin key ring from my friend Clare.....

The boxed bouquet above and this lovely selection below came from my friend Debbie, which included a lavender filled heart and soap from 'Susannah' of Bath....
And this glorious array of goodies from my friend Maggie.

She had created a stunning picture frame encrusted with vintage pearls, shells and china posy brooches and presented it in a hat box that she had covered in vintage wallpaper. Amazingly the fabric flower trimmed vintage hat to add to my collection, was originally from 'Jolly's of Bath', which is still trading in the city centre today.
I count myself very lucky to know such kind, generous and thoughtful women. They have all put such care and attention to detail in the gifts that they gave me and made them so personal to me, that I am overwhelmed. Thank you!

My dear hubby bought me two antique chimney pots!! These are going to be planted up amongst my growing collection of chimneys; they are the perfect answer for keeping plants out of the way of my chickens! Soon they should look something like this one...

We spent the day at Gloucester Docks, where there is a large Antiques Centre.

I didn't find very much there, but I think I had been spoilt enough anyway!!
I hope you enjoy the rest of this Bank Holiday weekend, Niki x
This delightful image was taken from my Birthday card from Clare!


  1. Well I am gobsmacked Woweeeeeeee!!!

    Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY - if I had known you might have had another surprise:) - well I will make a note for next year!!

    What a gorgeous selection of birthday goodies from EVERYONE.

    I do like that frame with all the embellishments.

    Best wishes


  2. Happy Birthday to you xx
    Glad you had a wonderful day.
    Tracy x

  3. Anonymous11:56 am

    Well Happy Birthday to you!!!!
    You look like you had a wonderful, wonderful day. It's great to see people that clearly know you so well and know just what you would like to be given as a gift. The chimney pots are the best example of a collection EVER.

    Cherry xx

  4. Anonymous12:00 pm

    Hi Niki
    It was lovely to catch up the other day.Sounds like you had a well deserved Birthday.I've been enjoying you Blog it's fab (don't know how you find the time). The eggs went down a treat thanks we had them for tea!
    Take care
    Love Katrina xxx

  5. Hi Niki,

    Your bouquets are beautiful and I am so pleased you are thrilled with your presents! I love the frame and hatbox that Maggie covered, they're lovely!

    The chimney pots are brilliant! I have one waiting to be planted up, they add great character to a garden.

    I'm glad you had a special day, you deserve it - you work very hard creating wonderful items and are a lovely person, so a very 'Happy Birthday' to you!

    Clare xx

  6. Happy Birthday,
    I loved all your Birthday Gifts, they look so beautiful and all those flowers too. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Happy Birthday Niki, I'm glad you had such a lovely day, and some fabulous gift.
    Have a great year...

  8. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! you lucky, lucky, lucky girl - what a wonderful birthday! doesn't get better than that!!! those presents you received are to die for =) belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! debbie

  9. Happy Birthday, what lovely gifts!
    I adore the picture frame, I want one! Sounds like you had the perfect day.

  10. Happy Birthday, Niki! What beautiful gifts and flowers you received! You can tell alot of thought and love went into those gifts! I love old chimney pots! When my parents sold our antique family home several years ago, they had hoped they could have taken our three antique chimney pots with them, but the chimney pots had to be included in the sale (they were still attached to the roof and very much in use)! heehee

  11. Well double and triple WOW!! So happy for you. What a wonderful Birthday you had. Love all your gifts.

  12. Happy Birthday! What fabulous flowers and gifts you've received.I'm glad that you had such a wonderful day.

  13. Happy Birthday! It's lovely to see all your presents... and how well they suit you!

  14. Gefeliciteerd!! (that's Dutch for congratulations) Hope you had a nice day... Sure sounds like it!! Here in Holland we don't have chimney pots but I think they are going to look great in your garden. Enjoy your presents!
    Best wishes

  15. Yeah for you! Your birthday goods are wonderful! Enjoyed looking at your blog.

  16. Glad you had such a wonderful birthday !!! Juat look at all your gifts .... love Julia x

  17. Anonymous10:23 am

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Niki
    Happy Birthday to you
    Hip hip hoorah!
    Glad to see you had such a lovely day, hope the rest of this long weekend goes as well for you.
    Carolyn x

  18. Anonymous11:04 am

    happy Birthday Niki!!! It looks like you had a lovely,indulgent day that you so deserve!
    xoxo andrea

  19. Anonymous11:23 am

    Happy Birthday sweet Niki! Of course you received beautiful presents - you are a beautiful soul and very loved!!!

  20. Happy Birthday to you! What lovely pictures...always a pleasure to visit your sweet blog!

  21. Happy Birthday!
    I love those chimney pots! As for all your other presents, it looks like your friends know your taste very well. You got some really gorgeous things. So glad you had a lovely day. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Fiona x

  22. My dad used to say you can tell the person by the company they keep - so you must be a very very nice person! Happy belated birthday to you!
    Sandra. s.

  23. Hi Niki - What a lovely day you had and all those super prezzies.

    I've posted a couple of photos of our special day.

    Look forward to seeing you next weekend.

    Sue xx

  24. Happy Birthday!!
    You got beautiful things. I especially love those chimney pots. Lovely flowers!!
    You are spoiled, but that is GOOD!!

  25. Happy Birthday Niki :)
    Pretty, pretty bouquets...I had to click to enlarge!
    I can't believe that little encrusted frame! She's good!

  26. I thought that was a huge chess set for a moment! (the chimney pots...)

  27. Happy Birthday for yesterday, you certainly have some fab presents!

  28. Happy Birthday!
    Lots of pretties!

  29. Holy moly what gorgeous gifts you've been spoiled with Niki!
    Just how sad that I didn't know it was your b-day. Very happy belated birthday wishes to you and all the best for a beautiful year ahead! Those antique chimney pots are fabulous, I've never seen something like this overhere. Hugs Carol xox

  30. My Happy Birthday wishes are a day late but not the less quite sincere.

    Those chimney pots... oh my! Maybe I need to make a trip to your area to do some shopping. Guess they would be a bit heavy to ship.


  31. oh darling girl- happy birthday to you.

  32. Oh I love every single picture! All of your gifts are so lovley!! Even though I am late...I am wishing you a happy happy birthday!!!


  33. Happy belated birthday Niki. You have had some gorgeous presents and been thoroughly spoilt. You deserve it too, you lovely person. Enjoy :-) x

  34. Happy Birthday!
    What wonderful pressies & flowers you received.

    Such wonderful awesome gifts and total eye candy. I am in total awe of it all!!!
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  36. what great gifts! Happy birthday!

  37. Happy Birthday! Nice three bouquets very nice!

  38. Anonymous9:36 am

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Thank you for finding the time to visit me...
Niki xx