Saturday, November 03, 2007

3 Years Later......(please join in my giveaway!)

It's my website's 3rd Birthday! I opened my website with on-line catalogue three years ago, to run along side my physical shop 'Nostalgia'.

I have since closed my little shop, but have continued selling via the web ever since....
That's a lot of vintage items that have found new homes with other nostalgia lovers.......
and mountains of hand made goods have been bought and given as presents to loved ones.

Piles of vintage fabric scraps have been recycled into bags and cushions in that time....
and new ideas have been fine-tuned and developed.

Please join in with my celebrations by leaving a comment to this post. Your name will then be entered into the prize giveaway for a 'Nostalgia' inspired collection. (Anyone, from anywhere, can enter, including non-bloggers, but I will need to ask for your address if your name is the random one selected.) I shall draw a name on November 10th.

The prize includes pretty things that I feel sum up a feeling of nostalgia. There is one of my handmade bags, made from vintage floral fabrics with a postcard centre panel, an embroidery backed clothes brush form the 1950's, the charming Czechoslovakian china mug printed with a rose border, a C1950's petal hat that would look perfect displayed on a dressing table and finally a sample size section of eiderdown cotton floral fabric tied with lace, mother-of-pearl buttons and a reel of silk thread.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend,
Niki x


  1. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Okay, I'm out of the stalking cupboard!!LOL.
    Beautiful everything Niki - photos, shop (such a shame. Your shop looks stunning and I'd have loved to pay a visit)and gorgeous vintage goodies. Thanks for making the world a little prettier.

  2. Anonymous1:36 pm

    Congratulations Nikki, and thankyou for sharing all your gorgeous things with us. The world would surely be a duller place without your blog and all your beautiful vintage treasures. Love Jackie Morganxx

  3. Thank you for all the beautiful things you show on your blog !
    Rini from the Netherlands !

  4. Anonymous3:03 pm

    Many happy returns. Looking at all the beautiful things you make and buy gives me so much pleasure and always inspires me.Thankyou
    Love Dawn Robson

  5. What dreamy pictures, a pleasure to view! You've got the magic touch . . . best wishes on your anniversary!

  6. Congratulations Nickie! You always have such beautiful things!!!


  7. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Hello! What pretty things you find and make. I enjoy looking at all your pictures of lovely things and beautiful England and reading your blog.

    -- Denise
    (email addres is:
    shortypaints at hotmail dot com)

  8. Hello Nickie,

    I came to your website by way of Marie Chantel (Wild Rose) and love your items you have available. Would I assume correctly that you ship to the US? Your blog is like stepping back in time to a quieter and more 'proper' time.
    Hope to hear from you soon.

  9. Hi Joyce,
    Many thanks for your interest.
    Yes, I am happy to ship worldwide. (Payment via PayPal.)
    If the parcel is kept under 2kg shipping is more reasonable and can be sent airmail.
    Have a great weekend,

  10. Hi and Happy 3rd!! I have also been enjoying your blog for months, and I love all your vintage stuff, and your photographs are beyond lovely!

  11. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Loved all of your pretty items. Such sweet nostalgic things help to carry us back to a gentler time. I just found your blog today.

    Mary L (USA)

  12. Congratulations!
    Thankyou for 3 years of vintage prettiness, your posts always seem to take me to another, more relaxing world.
    I should point out that unfortunately I've only been reading for about a year, but I browse through the archives occasionally.

  13. Anonymous7:22 pm

    Many congratulations on your website's birthday and I hope you will continue your beautiful and inspiring works! Your blog is very inspiring to me and I love all the things you make! Thumbs up!!
    Blessings from the Netherlands.

  14. Anonymous7:36 pm

    There I was dreaming of my "wanted" life.... I would sit outside in Autumn nursing a large glass of Merlot (in Summer, pink champagne!), waving to the neighbours as they passed. Whilst waiting for customers to enter my raspberry scented Seventh Heaven, I would idle away my time reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe with 2 red setters curled up by my feet. Inside my lovely Tony would be making rib of beef with horseradish butter. Occasionally, I would get up from my plump chair, go into my shop and just gaze around...adoringly. OOPS, sorry back to reality.Niki, how could you give up my idea of Utopia?

  15. Many congratulations on your anniversary. Your blog never disappoints, the pictures are so lovely and I always enjoy the read. I love the colors and textiles and all the combinations. Just a delight! xo, suzy

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm sorry your cute shop is closed, but isn't selling on line fun and so much simpler? I am in the same boat and am pretty happy with staying at home and selling things.

    Good luck!

  17. Congrats Niki!!
    That is a long time.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  18. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary Nicki! I visit often and leave regularly with inspiration.
    Thank You

  19. Nicki, each and every one of your photos is Eye Candy. I want to know if I can come and live with you so I can play with all your beautiful treasures. Wow, I am sooooo jealous. Stunning stuff. Just beautiful.
    Wilmington, MA USA

  20. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Happy birthday!
    I love your blog too! It is so great to have a look at your loveley things and decorations!
    Thanks for show us!

    Greetings from Germany

  21. Wishing you a lovely website anniversary!!! Your home surely looks like a wonder-filled vintage Aladdin's cave.

  22. Congratulations on your 3rd *birthday*!
    You always have the prettiest pictures!

  23. Anonymous8:09 am

    Well Done !!!! Reaching 3 years is certainly an achievement.

  24. Many Happy Returns Niki
    I am sure the years have flown by and in that time you have brought a lot of happiness to many people who have browsed through your stunning emporium.
    I, for one, have admired your attention to detail and visual treats so much.. truly inspirational.
    Hope you get to eat cake this birthday!!

  25. Hi Niki

    How I love thoses photos of your shop, sigh...

    So many beautiful things now residing in homes across the world! Don't ever stop making your wonderful creations!

    A very happy 3rd birthday
    and here's to many more!!

    Clare xx

  26. Anonymous4:40 pm

    I love your blog ,kind regards ewa

  27. I haven't been able to visit your blog for some time and I'm so happy you've started up you comment area again. So many lovely things you've shown us. I would just love to go into that room.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Love Elzie

  28. Happy 3rd Birthday Niki! I love it when you have a new post, it's always something to look forward to!
    Kim x

  29. What a fab site, my wonderful Mother, Louise, has been gushing over your site for sometime now, I even have a small collection of your dolls with me here in Tel Aviv. I hope the conpetition goes well and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

    Happy Birthday xxx


  30. Hi Niki,
    Very best web-birthday wishes to you!
    Having recently started a blog myself I am beginning to appreciate the time and effort that goes into maintaining one. How you manage to keep blogging, create such beautiful things and run a business amazes me. You truly are an inspiration.
    Your home is divine - I live in one just like it - in my dreams!!!
    Don't ever stop, and please include me in the giveaway.

  31. Happy 3rd Birthday - your post is lovely as always. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  32. Oh wow - I wish I could have been locked in your shop overnight to let me look at everything. i love your blog and you find such lovely things to sell to us all. May you continue to bring pleasure to us all Catherine

  33. I am happy to be here celebrating your 3rd birthday with you!
    I just found your blog and am in awwww.
    Its soooooo beautiful! I am loving all the pictures and goodies you have found!

    Thanks for shareing!
    hugz, Dolly

  34. Anonymous9:47 pm

    EVERYTHING about your blog and your shop is just soooo yummy... Would love to win your give away..... PICK ME....
    Tammie Moore

  35. Happy Blog Birthday! Your items are lovely...I especially liked the sold out soap/saucers on the previous post.

    Teresa @ PlumWater Cottage

  36. Congratulations on 3 years May you have many more.

  37. Congratulations on celebrating your 3rd blog birthday. You have one of the most beautiful blogs that I enjoy not only reading but looking at the pictures. I find it quite inspirational. - Sandra.

  38. Wow, how fast time flies when you are having fun, and I can tell how much you enjoy what you do. I have enjoyed your blog and like to visit often. Congratulations on 3 years.

  39. Congrats Niki on 3 years! I love your blog it is so beautiful!!!


  40. Hi Niki,
    What a sweet place your Nostalgia is. That building was so precious. Congrats on the three years and many more to come!

    Deanna :)

  41. Anonymous11:11 am

    happy birthday!!!

  42. I love your charming and pastimes ambiance. I spent always sometime to visiting your adorable vintage items.
    Thank you for showing us.
    Congratulations for your 3rd. birthday and keeping like this for ever.
    Greetings from Portugal

  43. Happy Virtual Birthday Nikki. Everything looks so yummy.

  44. Very many congratulations on your three year anniversary. I love to see pictures of your old shop, I would have loved to have visited it when it was open.

  45. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I do enjoy so much reading your site and seeing the beautiful photos you offer for our eyes. Thanks for sharing your part of the world with me. I'll keep reading.

  46. Anonymous3:58 pm

    What a yummy prize! Congrats on your anniversary - yours is such a beautiful to look at and wonderful to read blog....

  47. I am not a fellow blogger, but a blog addict and vintage decor junkie. I love reading your blog as well as all the other English blogs I can get my hands on. I so badly would love to chuck it and move "across the pond" so to speak. I think I would do quite nicely in the Cotswolds or Cornwall. Thanks for the inspiration you have provided me with for the last few years.

    Take Care!

  48. Awe that's so seet of you to do! So glad to see you back with commments and all! Hugs Carol xox

  49. Oops forgot to wish you a happy web shop anniversary!

  50. Happy birthday for your shop, you have such pretty pictures of lovely things on your website.

  51. Hey! What a great blog! Love the photo's and your comments. I've also been to your online shop, it's fab too!!!

    Regards, Anja

  52. Congratulations, Niki! And here's to many more years of loveliness.

  53. I'm not even sure how I ended up stumbling upon your blog but I am so glad I did! A winner or not I'll be back - thanks for the inspiration...

  54. Anonymous7:39 pm

    Happy 3rd Birthday! Your beautiful blog was the first UK blog I ever read and I never get tired of it! Cheryl from California

  55. Niki, congratulations on your three-year blog anniversary! I'm so glad we met in cyberspace.

  56. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Hi Niki

    I'm so happy to visit your website, with these delicious pieces of work! Everyday I come here, and forget for a while all my burdens. Thanks a lot for all you do, this is so wonderful!

    And a nice hello from Paris!

    Anna : nicolasmontessuit(at)wanadoo(dot)fr

  57. Congrats on your shop birthday Niki! 3 years is a long time! Would love to enter your gorgeous giveaway.

  58. Anonymous12:59 am

    Your blog is so beautiful-and so are the things you make and sell. Please enter me in your drawing-Thanks so much-Becky

  59. Congratulations, I've been a reader of yours for so long :)

    Would love to be entered into the drawing, it's just gorgeous!

  60. Anonymous6:49 am

    Happy 3rd Anniversary! The actual shop looked wonderful...but, it is great that anyone all over the world can shop over the Net. Here's hoping my name gets called 'cuz I sure do love your nostalgic things. :)

  61. Anonymous10:28 am

    Have a wonderful 3rd birthday, what can I say but your blog is a inspiration and a reason to enjoy all things
    thank you for inspiring me

  62. Your blog is a continuous source of inspiration, thank you for it. Please include me in the draw, I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

  63. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Hi Niki,

    Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! Really enjoy reading your blog and would love to be entered for your giveaway. The prizes are beautiful and it will be a lucky person who gets them! Best wishes, Pauline x

  64. NIKKI,

  65. Please enter my name in the drawing. I love looking at your blog. (Lesa)

  66. Anonymous4:30 pm

    Wow, You're a Big Girl Now!!! 3 years old!! Congratulations.

    This is the place I come to when I need a touch of vintage girly loveliness to set my day right.

  67. Congratulations on 3 lovely years!
    God bless.

  68. Congratulations on three years of blogging! I love looking at all the pretty things on your blog.

  69. Anonymous10:19 pm

    Wow. 3 years! Congrats! Your photos are always so lovely. Vicki at

  70. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Hi Niki,

    Wow what a beautiful collection, congratulations on 3 years! I would love to enter to win those gorgeous items so here's my entry and my fingers are tightly crossed! x

  71. congratulations! i have just come upon your blog (through cape cod cupboard) and love it! i can't wait to go through your archives! i'm always looking for vintage millinery flowers and fabrics, so i'll be stopping by often! xo

  72. Hi...I have been enjoying your blog for several months...Thanks for the beauty and inspiration...Kate

  73. wow congrats on 3 years I love to pop in and read your blog such eye candy fr us all .
    I would love to be in the draw for your fantastic goodies .
    Hugs Beth

  74. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Hi, and congratulations on your anniversary. Living in a very male environment as I do, you have no idea how much pleasure I gain from drooling over your "girlie" world. It's all so beautiful - long may you continue pleasing the eyes and senses of your public. Please include me in your draw, best wishes , Barbara

  75. Aren't you the kind one giving such lovelies away! By all means put me in the pot! All of your items are just breathtaking. I am redoing my kitchen and it's almost finished. I can't tell you how nice it is finding my old pieces that make me all warm and fuzzy inside and displaying them again. Sigh. Congrats on your third blogaversary! Isn't it amazing how time flies!

  76. Hi Nikki!

    Lots of congratulations to your 3rd birthday.
    Time is running and I`m looking forward to the next three years.
    Thanks for all your wonderful postings!

    Lots of greetings from Austria

  77. Oooh look at you miss popularity :-)

    Please add me and a big HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY to you xxx

  78. Dear Niki,

    You have such a delightful blog - perfectly charming in fact. I am relatively new to blogging and have just started up with one of my own.
    How I would have loved to visit your shop! Just an adorable little oasis from the frenetic activity and chaos of this present world.
    I hope you carry on blogging for many years to come.

    Thank you.


  79. What a beautiful blog and gorgeous pictures you have! Thank you for the inspiration to make the old things new again with such loving appreciation.

  80. Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary. I see lots of familiar folks have left messages and dropped their name "in the hat" already. I'm in good company.
    I'd love to win any of your Nostalgic goodies.


  81. Anonymous8:39 pm

    Hi Nikki can`t believe you have been around for 3 years and I`ve only recently discovered your wonderful website.Happy birthday!!
    Jules xx

  82. Anonymous6:36 am

    Happy Third Anniversary, Niki!!!

    I love your blog too and don't believe I've ever told you so. All of your things are so lovely and you take the best photos.

    I look forward to many more years of reading your blog and seeing all of your pretties!

  83. Anonymous10:32 am

    Hi Niki,

    I love your blog and the fantastic photos which I always enlarge to full screen so I can see all the wonderful details and colours.
    Love your web shop too - it is quite unique. Congratulations on three years of successful blogging and web-trading. Keep up the good work!

    Sandra s.

  84. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Hi Niki

    Your Website has been a wonderful chance discovery. The blog is very interestingand fun to read. The photography is excellent in capturing the vintage feel and look. I particularly like the beautiful rag dolls that you make. They are really quite unique in style and are so well made.
    Happy 3rd Birthday!
    Isabelle x

  85. Do you miss your shop, Niki? Or do you like doing everything by internet?

  86. Anonymous2:01 pm

    What a gorgeous shop, I would have been in my element if I could have had a visit, still we still have your fab on-line goodies Niki. You inspire us all. Good luck for the future. Juliex

  87. Such a wonderful, generous, and beautiful giveaway! I would love to be entered, Niki. Thank you!

    (PS - did you know that whenever I buy something from your shop and you send it in a recycled box - ie. laundry soap, Elizabeth Shaw cookies, etc - that I have been saving the boxes? lol I think hubby and I are way overdue for our next trip to England!!!)

  88. Great giveaway - I love nostalgic items! Especially from overseas.


  89. Hi Nikki

    Happy birthday! A wonderful website that never disappoints - so full of lovely nostalgic things which make the most perfect presents. I just wish I'd ben able to visit your shop.

  90. Hi Niki

    It looks as if you're going to need a huge bucket to put all the names in - a hat just won't be big enough!!!

    Congratulations - 3 years! Where has that time gone?!!!

    Sue xx

  91. Hi Niki and congratulations on your 3rd birthday. As you know I love reading your blog and always love the new pics you post. I think your hand made dolls have to be my favourite they're so pretty. I pop into your online shop regulary to see what new treasures you have and wish I had a bottomless purse LOL.
    I wish you many more years of dealing in the wonderful nostalgic past.
    hugs Peg x

  92. Wow Niki three years? Happy Birthday to you! your site is great and your blog is always a joy to visit,heres to even more success!

  93. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Hello there,
    My kind sister Nonnie just told me about your give away. As a very busy Mum, I am a naughty blogger who soaks up lovely blogs but rarely leaves a comment. Your beautiful blog and the lure of gorgeous freebies has prompted me to get typing!!!
    Thanks for sharing your creations with us.
    Love, Catherine

  94. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Nikki - you site is absolutely beautiful as are your creations. I have been visiting for well over a year now and find your site has inspired me to do more sewing and making myself. Thank you and Happy 3rd Birthday!

  95. Congrats Niki! Everything looks amazing! Enjoy your anniversary!

    Have a fab weekend!

  96. Congratulations for share your creativity and that nice shop you had before. I would love to have something similar near here.

    Mercedes in Spain


Thank you for finding the time to visit me...
Niki xx