Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nostalgia at No.1

(One of my c1930's primary school educational posters)

There'll be no more footprints in the snow for a while...a shower of rain saw the last of it off this morning and we're once again looking out over green fields, but an otherwise sleeping landscape.
I've been at the shop for the last three days, slowly filling it with all of my treasures. It's coming together now and has been revealing its character to me...I'm pleased with how everything sits within the space and I am hopeful it will work well. I've had lots of smiles and 'oooing and ahhhing' from people peering in as I've been working! I'd forgotten how working in a shop can feel a little like being in a goldfish bowl...but I'm sure I'll soon get used to it...I do hope people will come in rather than just looking at me through the windows though! ;-))
I was meaning to take some photos for my blog, but have been rather busy, so I will try to do that next week...
My first opening day will be Thursday 21st January.
And my opening hours are:
Mondays: 9.30am - 4pm
Tuesdays: 9.30am - 4pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursdays: 9.30am - 4pm
Fridays: 9.30am - 4pm
Saturday: 9.30am - 4pm
Sundays: CLOSED

Nostalgia at No.1,

If ever you are in the area, I would love to see you!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Niki x


  1. OH HOW I WISH, I wish I wish I wish ...

  2. Anonymous9:24 pm

    Good luck with the shop Niki. If you ever want some Retro aprons to sell let me know! xx

  3. Anonymous9:25 pm

    i wish very luck.

  4. Wishing you lots of luck! Can't wait to see pictures!

  5. Lillian9:30 pm

    Just wish I was nearer but definitely on my 'to visit' list. look forward to more pictures. Good Luck

  6. Well done, good luck, you have worked so hard.

  7. Oh my gosh! I know it will be divine! Sooner or later I will visit you. That's for sure ;))

  8. Well done, Niki! Such a shame Thursday is my day at Dairy House. However, I certainly hope to pop in on Friday morning.

    Sue xx

  9. I'm so excited for you. Can't wait till you open.

  10. Your first day will go VERY well cos it's my birthday !!! good luck
    twiggy x

  11. Your plates are gorgeous! I wish I could come visit you shop. Wouldn't that be a delightful change for 2010!
    Best wishes and a wonderful weekend to you,

  12. I'm SO excited for you, Niki. Next time I go over to England I am going to stop by your shop. Best wishes on it and I hope it prosperous beyond your wildest dreams!!!

  13. Such exciting news! Good luck on Thursday, I will see if I can arrange to be there.. Lizzie x

  14. Hi Niki ... Thursday 21 I will be there in your store, with the heart as well as with the thought!! You'll have a great success, I'm not sure! I hope that you insert the photos of the inauguration on your blog, I look. ;o)
    A dear greeting, Maria.

  15. That picture reminds me of my early morning walks in the snow with my dog and the little rabbit prints in the snow, enchanting. Which I am also sure your shop will be. Will have to try and organise a trip to your neck of the woods I am sure there are many other delights down your way too.
    All the best for Thursday.
    Nicky x

  16. Auguri per l'apertura del tuo negozio, sarĂ  sicuramente un successo...
    ciao ciao

  17. GOOD LUCK with everything and I will visit!
    Julie xxxxxx

  18. Claudette9:49 am

    I will DEFINATELY get out of the "Big Smoke" to purloin may of your fine goodies. Hope you will still sell online. Wish you all the best. I really admire people like yourself who keep the whole vintage/upcycling dream alive and bring it to a new audience.
    Bonne Chance!

  19. Hello Niki

    What welcome news! I so look forward to seeing your shop.

    I popped in to Shepton Mallet last week and peered through the window as you weren't there. I saw it before all the furniture was in.

    Good luck with all your final preparations.

    See you on Thursday!

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  20. oooh I am rthinking we may have a visit on the way to Germany in the summer we often stay at our friends in that in driving distance I would love to see your shop ...

  21. Guenievre11:18 am

    Bonjour Niki,
    I like very much the posters with the rabbit and birds.
    I wish you "good luck" for your shop. I live too far ... but perhaps one day if we come in your area for holidays ! We try to come in Great Britain every two years, I promise I'll come and see your in your "boutique".
    Have a nice Sunday !

  22. Good luck Nikki, I won't be able to come on Thursday but will get there a.s.a.p.
    I know that you will have a great day and how exciting for you, I can't wait for the pictures.
    Tracey xxx

  23. Niki ~ your shop is going to be a place of divine beauty. I wish you all the success in the world with it and one day I hope to make a visit. x

  24. The opening of your shop is just SO exciting, Niki! I just wish I could come and visit someday!

  25. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Happy 2010, and I wish you all the best!


  26. Was determined to make a special detour today after the Shepton Giant Flea to peep into your shop windows (never having been to the town itself before) - and I did!I love the way it is wrapped around by the town library, protected by books and learnin'! What a clever choice of premises you have made. It looks beautiful inside but I was entranced by your side window displays - those doggies deserve a good home! I can't wait to visit but your opening day is my mother's 90th birthday and we shall be celebrating elsewhere. I promise that I will get there asap - perhaps the following week and bring her with me. She loves your calendar which I gave her for Christmas. Best wishes and see you very soon!

  27. Oh just so exciting! I've put the date on the calendar - can't wait to come visit your shop :-)
    Denise x

  28. Hurrah! well done Niki.. I'm sure it will be a roaring success!I wish I wasn't working on do you feel if I organise a coach and bring 30 14yr olds with me...a school visit?!?!! I will see you very soon and you'll be in my thoughts on Thursday xx

  29. Dealbaida8:00 pm

    Wishing you great success, good health and much happiness at No 1 Market Street.

    Here's to your first million!


    PS Happy Birthday Twiggy

  30. good luck...wish I could come to England, I would surely come to your shop. I guess I'll just have to look at the beautiful pictures.

  31. Sue S4:15 pm

    I hope to make it down to Shepton Mallet one of these days. Good luck with your new venture!! best wishes Sue S

  32. I do hope I will be able to visit your shop one day. It must be so exciting for you especially putting all your lovely things into the shop.

  33. Julie. Oxford4:10 pm

    All the very best Niki, looking forward to meeting you in your shop.... very soon. Julie x

  34. I am so excited FOR you - and I just love reading all about your progress. Like many others, I dearly wish I could be there to shop on your opening day!

  35. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Good luck with your shop, I'm sure it will be a success.

  36. Anonymous7:02 pm


    GOOK LUCK for tomorrow Niki.

    I will come and visit when the snow
    has gone.
    My very best wishes,



Thank you for finding the time to visit me...
Niki xx