Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Box Frame.

Just a quick update today.
I think the spring weather has had some kind of effect on me and I feel the need to clean! And tidy! My workroom is the tidiest it has EVER been! I spent ALL weekend making it workable....well it was a BIG job, I had let things get way out of hand! I should be able to work a lot easier in there now!
Anyway, the update is the box frame that is now complete. With the help from my hubby, we produced this little display box using one of the picture frames that I bought at the flea market recently.

Hub used some pine boards to create the sides and shelves. I glued vintage French Ticking on the backing board.

I've displayed my French coffee cups along it's shelves, but it is a bit too regimented for my liking, so other treasures will be added when I discover them!
The cup on the left is my favourite and probably the oldest - funny thing is though, I don't drink coffee, in fact I hate the stuff!! (LOVE tea though!)

Can you spot the odd one out? One of them is an English coffee cup!


  1. Hi Niki,

    I love the box frame idea and all those cups look great together.

    I want to try one as a pin board. Just have to go and search out a frame first!

    Best wishes Ginny

  2. Anonymous11:47 am

    What a gorgeous idea. It looks fantastic. I love the cups too! I also love the look of your kitchen and your patchwork curtain under the desk... fabulous.

  3. Your kitchen is gorgeous! the box frame looks fantastic and fits in perfectly. Enjoy your cleaning - it must be in the air because I can't sit still at the moment!
    Kim x

  4. Hi Niki, that looks wonderful, the mix of cups and the ticking is very attractive - although I appreciate you will add to it over time! Is the odd one out the one on the very top left? Clare x

  5. Yes! Top left!
    Great studio room. Lets all have a craft day there, whaddaya say? Nothing like inviting yourself over, huh?

  6. Anonymous12:52 pm

    You do come up with some great ideas for displaying items and I love the colour scheme....Kitchen looks lovely too...I have been cleaning too must be the weather...
    Lovely day here today in Sunny Kent...


  7. I don't think there is an "odd one" in the bunch! heehee They are all gorgeous!!! And your kitchen - how beautiful! I love what you and your hubby did with the frame, and with the ticking you put behind it makes it all that much sweeter! Red is my absolute favorite color, so you know I am in awe of all your photos today! =)

  8. What a brilliant idea!

  9. Anonymous3:35 pm

    Greetings! This is my first time to your blog...love it! I'm afraid I'll have to steal your picture frame idea. The odd cup is in the upper left hand...English transferware I believe! Love it all! Sincerely, Cheryl

  10. Niki, Niki, Niki....You really must stop, I cannot keep up with your energy and creativity!!! LOL
    I love your posts and it's so fun to pop in and see what you have been up to.
    HAPPY SPRING my friend...I love the teacups in the frame...
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  11. Such a lovely idea. Yor kitchen looks just beautiful. Mary

  12. Anonymous4:15 pm


  13. Oh heck, everyone beat me to it. I picked the cup in the upper left too.

    That's very a clever shelf you produced with the frame.


  14. Oh Nicky what a great idea and what a lovely cup collection! I love it! Hugs Carol xox

  15. That is so cool! :-)

  16. It looks great! A friend of mine did the same for me with a frame given to me by a friend. But I don't have any place to hang it at the moment!

  17. What a great way to display things - you do have some good ideas and so nice of you to share them with others!

  18. Everyone else beat me to it! Top left!

    Wait till I tell P what his next job is!! I like Ginny's pinboard idea ...

    Sue x

  19. How clever! I'm going to have to try that box frame idea...it's beautiful!

  20. Anonymous11:06 pm

    What a lovely kitchen you now have. What a creative way to use an empty frame. Looks great!

  21. Niki,
    That was pretty clever of you. I have one that I got from someplace years ago, I had a mirror put in it. Next time I find one maybe I will use your idea.

  22. Anonymous12:26 am

    At a wild guess, top left corner?? Love what you have done with the frame, another gorgeous idea. Always so lovely and inspiring!

  23. What a fabulous idea and how nice of hubby to help =) What a sweetie he is!!! Debbie

  24. What a lovely idea! It turned out great - love the photos of your kitchen - thank you for sharing!


  25. Niki you really have made the frame look adorable. I know the first cup on the top shelf is English - I have the same pattern! All look pretty - and I love the French ticking background.

  26. What a lovely idea to display your collection of cups.
    Springtime always is very inspiring for changes and new ideas.
    Kind regards, Monika

  27. That is fantastic, your kitchen should be in a magazine! I love that shelf idea and I would have no problem finding lots of pretties to fill it up!

  28. What a lovely idea!

  29. Wow, Niki, I love it!!!! Good idea not only for cups

  30. Your box frame is gorgeous and I love your entire kitchen.

  31. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Hello Niki,
    Your home is just beautiful and such an inspiration to me. I've been lurking for some time and wanted to thank you for all the eye candy. The kitchen turned out GORGEOUS!!!

  32. Your newly decorated kitchen looks wonderful Niki! Louise x

  33. Anonymous5:54 pm

    just simply beautiful, really. :)

  34. What a clever idea and how pretty the resulting shelving turned out to be! It is really a nice way to display your collection and add more charm to your already charming kitchen at the same time!

  35. This is a unique and pretty idea..thanks for sharing.!
    The red and white china is a lovely compliment to your new decor. I too guessed the top left corner, as I have the same pattern..!

  36. Anonymous11:59 pm

    Such a fantastic creation Niki! Just love this idea and the look it gives!! Stop by my place if you can for my little "giveaway".

  37. Your kitchen makes me think of my grandparents' kitchen from the 50s. Beautiful cup collection. Which one is English????? My guess is the upper left. Am I right?

  38. Anonymous2:37 pm

    The box frame is beautiful and I really like the French ticking in the back. It looks great with your coffee cups. And it all ties together beautifully with the quilted curtain you made for under the counter. It really looks nice.

    allie from minneapolis

  39. Thanks everyone for your comments.

    Yes, the odd-one-out was the cup top-left! It is English transfer-ware called 'Twilight'.

    Niki x

  40. Anonymous7:02 pm

    What a beautiful idea!!! i like it so much, ... your house is always full of merveillous things and creations... see you soon. (www.littlelibellule.canalblog.com)

  41. Hello, I just love the frame shelf! I think you have inspired me to create one too :)
    Kind regards,

  42. Anonymous11:25 am

    J'adore ce rideau fait de patchwork de tissus anciens ! J'aime beaucoup tes idées ...

  43. wow was blog hopping and found you i could live at yourplace happy what a wonderfull creative lady congrats,feel free to check out my blog i am so gonna steal your tiny cup display idea i have uilt in shelves where an old window was nothing looks right there then i saw your display i have heaps of tiny cups on my kitchen cupboard tops no one notices,thanks again fab blog will be back heres mine
    Jullie Australia


Thank you for finding the time to visit me...
Niki xx