Saturday, February 23, 2008

Off on a Jolly.....

I spent a fun few hours yesterday with two lovely people! - Helen, Sue and I went for a 'jolly' to the small city of Wells in Somerset. The weather was mild, but a little overcast, so after a warming hot chocolate in a cafe, we visited every charity shop on the high street.......

Then it was time for a spot of lunch at the vegetarian restaurant 'The Good Earth'. I had a delicious mixed salad, a huge hunk of garlic bread and a cuppa!

There was then just time to head off to the 'Wells Trading Post' which is an antiques/bygones emporium housed in a former 12th century mill.
Sue discovered this little beauty........

....a child-sized wooden dresser, painted in the most gorgeous green chippy gloss paint and handmade in the 1950's. I can picture this looking stunning on Sue's stand at the antiques fairs.
There was a pea green flavour to my purchases too! I bought this Victorian bathroom set of a chamber pot, toothbrush holder and soap dish with cover. The hand crochet doily that I discovered earlier in the day, coordinates surprisingly well.

Thank you ladies for such a jolly, jolly!

(My latest creation made from recycled vintage fabrics.)
Have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned,
Niki x


  1. That lunch looks scrumptious! I really think that once my kids are grown I'd like to be a vegetarian. Hubby and his mom went to Crank's in London ages ago (in the 70's I think). We have one of Crank's early cookbooks from that trip they took.

    Your chamberpot's floral transfer is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Hi Niki, what a lovely day out, I went to Wells a couple of years ago (took Mr. Bloom for his birthday) - it really is a charming place. That's where I bought my chalkware lady with the lurchers, in one of the charity shops! Love your purchases too.
    Lucy x

  3. Hi Niki
    I have been meaning to go to Wells for weeks now.. maybe I should wait a bit longer if you have already visited the charity shops!!!!
    Lovely day out with good friends... nothing beats it!
    I am glad you are getting some 'fun' time to enjoy yourself and having a rest from the sewing machine for a day.


  4. That dresser is so cute! I'm not even sure I'd do anything to it, just look at it adorned with a few miniature tea sets and dolls, how lucky you are!

  5. Such pretty things Niki, and a fab lunch too!

  6. Sounds like such a fun day! Lots of pretty treasures! Love the new bag you've made!

  7. Love the children's dresser.
    The bag is lovely.x

  8. A jolly, jolly indeed! I haven't been to Wells for years. Lovely finds as usual, I love the green of that dresser! Take care

  9. Looks like you had a great day! Your friend got a great little cupboard! So fun! Can't wait for the anitques markets to start up here in Pennsylvania. Have a great day!


  10. Hi Niki just catching up with you, ref your last post - that book looks great - I love velvet.

    Glad you had a great trip yesterday.

    BTW my cushion arrived and is gorgeous, it looks so pretty next to all the other ones.

    best wishes Ginny

  11. I just love your blog!!! I read it faithfully...
    beautiful pictures, cute posts, and lots of crafty inspiration! Just wonderful!!!

  12. That chamber pot makes me wish we didn't have indoor plumbing!!! Sorta.

  13. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Chamber pot, tooth brush holder and soap dish have such a happy spring time feel. What are you going to do with the Chamber pot?

  14. Hello 'Just Jenny' - thanks for your comment.
    As I have three Victorian chamber pots already in my down-stairs loo (!) - I decided to add this set to my website today.

  15. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Ok, I'd love firstly the salad and second the green dresser. Both look scrumptious! I love your vintage bags by the way.

  16. Anonymous10:14 pm

    Such beautiful things! I am so glad to have found your blog! I can't wait to scroll down and read more...I just had to comment first!! I checked out your home in Somerset Life and it is simply stunning!!! So warm, cozy and creative!!! I have been truly inspired and will certainly be visiting often! Thank you!

  17. Sounds like you had a wonderful time Niki! I love the green cupboard... what a wonderful color!

    I saw that book from your last post on Amazon the other day too...looks so yummy. It certainly does seem so long off to wait!

    Love your beautiful creations... I often go to your website just to admire your beautiful goodies. :))

    Hope your perfume labels arrived safely. xoxo Heather

  18. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Oh what lovely things! Im so glad to have found your blog!


  19. Wells is one of my favourite places.I don't get there often but when I do, I really enjoy it.;-)Sal


Thank you for finding the time to visit me...
Niki xx