Saturday, May 02, 2015

Beautiful Bluebells

Today I enjoyed my annual 'bluebell fix' for this year, in the woods about 5 minutes from our home...
Ah, lovely.

Hope you've had a beautiful day too,
Niki x


  1. Thank you Niki, for sharing your bluebell fix. How lovely they are, sadly we have none here.

  2. Hi Niki,oh such a treat to have a bluebell in your back yard,your pictures are wonderful! i love the perfume from bluebells always reminds me of childhood xxx

  3. Hi, I've planted loads of bluebells in a shady patch in my front garden. We've also turned over most of the garden to masses of other wild flowers. They certainly bring the bees and butterflies in (and they don't need much looking after. lol) Blessings

  4. Just heavenly!!Pam.


Thank you for finding the time to visit me...
Niki xx