Twelve years ago, when my 'third born' was just a baby, I used to do the Craft Fair Circuit, where I sold my handmade Folk Art/ New England style decorations. At the time there was little available in the UK, of this type, so they were very good sellers. Consequently, my children have grown up with the homespun look. I would love to say that all of my decorations are beautiful vintage baubles, lamenta, tinsel and a tatty fairy on the top....but my girls would not forgive me if I was to swap the old decorations that they are used to in favour of antique ones or co-ordinated modern ones! So here is our tree....perhaps not looking as beautiful as the ones featured in other blogs, but this is for my daughters....

There are my collection of raggedy Annie's and teddy bears gathered well as my daughter Emily, who thinks I haven't noticed her hiding there!

These are so easy to make with a small square of wood, painted and hanging with curly wire. The snowman was another variation, cut to shape with a jig-saw....

I also made 'spoolie dolls' from tiny wooden cotton reels and garlands of check fabric hearts....

There are several of these calico bags filled with cloves and lots of rusty hearts and stars with homespun fabric loops.

This is our angel topper...not made by me...she was purchased from the Bath Christmas Market.

These two little chaps came from Heidelberg, Germany, when we were lucky enough to visit the Christmas market there....

Two more favourites....

Finally I have managed to make my mince pies today!!

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas.....