I was busy in the shop right up until the 23rd (mostly with men shopping for last minute gifts! ;-)) - So wasn't able to get round to all of the blogs that I wanted to, to wish the season's greetings, but I hope it was a good one for you all...

Ours was rather special...

As it was grand-baby's first Christmas. :)

And all my girls together for a lovely few days.




Some wonderful gifts came my way...

Lots of them vintage :)


And a quick funny story... My good friend bought me this tall hats stand (below)...She had picked it up at a flea market in Bath...The amusing thing is, that I sold it to a dealer who visits my shop...and I had actually made it myself a few months ago!! (I'd used a c1930's ash tray stand as the base and added a velvet top.) I have told my friend, who luckily sees the funny side, and so she's happy for me to try to sell it again! ;-))

Our usual Boxing Day walk along the lanes next to our home.

And a family movie was enjoyed last night...

We finally got to see Hugo (not in 3D) - with the beautiful young Asa Butterfield playing the part of Hugo Cabret.

I actually love this short time after Christmas. It feels like a clean slate and a bit of a breather. There's a long time ahead before I have to think about Christmas again, I'm able to spend some time away from work, to think more clearly and to make plans - I was given two books for Christmas by my Mum and Dad, which I've enjoyed looking through. One is Rachel Ashwell's latest book - I have always been a fan of Rachel's style and way of life. Even when her business, Shabby Chic, was on shaky ground, she was able to pick herself up, dust herself down, and start again with new stores and a new home.
I was also give the Where Women Create Book of Inspiration...which truly it is. My head is now spinning with ideas for our home and for the shop. Mostly I am struck by the 'less is more' message and I feel a need to simplify our home; and at the shop to re-focus on specialising more with the products I make and source...to make it more 'me'.

I think 2012 may prove to be a difficult one again, throughout the world. I may have to spend less time at my blog and more time developing my handmade products...With a more streamlined environment at home, with less distractions, I think this will help me to achieve this.
I can't wait to get started, so bye for now...I hope to be back here with a look back at my 2011 in the New Year.
Niki x