I wanted to introduce to you today the talents of a friend of mine. Margaret Neale creates these adorable Flapper Doll ornaments, each one being unique.

They are then embellished with vintage treasures to give them an authentic antique look. They display beautifully amongst original dolls, as well as sitting pretty with more modern pieces.
A woollen blanket was dyed this soft aqua colour, then embroidered with wool and silk threads and worked into a wonderfully nostalgic flower boarder design. The bags are all lined with vintage floral fabrics and further embellished with old brooches with twinkling stones.

These fabulous items have been added to my website today. Please visit the catalogue for more details.
Donna so very kindly bought me a present. I had admired on her blog, the broom that she recently purchased; and she bought one for me!! She also gave me a beautiful piece of 1950's flocked fabric perfect for fairy dolls. Thanks again Donna for your kindness and for going to such lengths to buy the gorgeous broom for me! I shall think of you whilst I sweep my floors!!

A pretty cotton spriggy printed fabric in the background, a stunning Daisy chain headpiece, lace and ribbons and velvet Violets!
The collection above came from a charity shop in the town. Two rose printed pillowcases, coat hangers waiting to be recovered, antique lace and thread and the fabulous vintage Needlecraft book...all for £1.50!!
She has an original chalkware one dating from 1913, which she used to create a mould. This is then cast in plaster.
Maggie spends many hours hand painting these wonderful creatures, making each one an original work of art. I love their appealing eyes, so typical of the Flapper era.

They are then embellished with vintage treasures to give them an authentic antique look. They display beautifully amongst original dolls, as well as sitting pretty with more modern pieces.
And as if that isn't clever enough! - Maggie also spends hours hand embroidering woollen bags with typical 1930's images.

A woollen blanket was dyed this soft aqua colour, then embroidered with wool and silk threads and worked into a wonderfully nostalgic flower boarder design. The bags are all lined with vintage floral fabrics and further embellished with old brooches with twinkling stones.

These fabulous items have been added to my website today. Please visit the catalogue for more details.
Here we are enjoying a coffee in the lovely gallery cafe; we decided it was more appropriate to say 'fabric' rather than 'cheese', so it was rather funny to hear the chorus coming from our direction, whilst our photo was being taken!

Donna so very kindly bought me a present. I had admired on her blog, the broom that she recently purchased; and she bought one for me!! She also gave me a beautiful piece of 1950's flocked fabric perfect for fairy dolls. Thanks again Donna for your kindness and for going to such lengths to buy the gorgeous broom for me! I shall think of you whilst I sweep my floors!!

A pretty cotton spriggy printed fabric in the background, a stunning Daisy chain headpiece, lace and ribbons and velvet Violets!

The collection above came from a charity shop in the town. Two rose printed pillowcases, coat hangers waiting to be recovered, antique lace and thread and the fabulous vintage Needlecraft book...all for £1.50!!
And to round the day of wonderfully, I was bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my great friend Debbie, who also visited the Textile fair with me.
I have been married for 22 years tomorrow, so these were an anniversary treat!