I just wanted to use my blog this morning to wish my Mum a very Happy Birthday, as it is rather a special one - there's a nought and a seven, not necessarily in that order, making up her age today...I'm sure she won't mind me telling you that...but between you and me, right?!
I've gone for some keepsake gifts for her, which include a lovely Victorian love token brooch and a rose topped hat pin.

Mum collects antique hat pins and stands, so I've found some to add to her collection. The silver one below is a special one complete with a velvet pad at the base. The other three are china examples...

although I think the one below right is actually a sugar shaker, but I thought it was pretty.
We don't have many opportunities to visit my parents, as we live so far apart from each other, but when I do next time, I shall photograph her collection in its entirety to share with you, as it has swelled in numbers over the years.
Mum also expressed a love of my recently designed vintage fabric handbags, so one of those also found its way into her parcel.
Have a lovely day Mum!
I've been buying for the shop too and have found some more vintage goodies to add to the shelves...

A hand hooked floral rug...
And a large hand embroidered cottage garden picture.

A delightful original watercolour...

as well as some teeny treasures.

I've also been busy sewing over the last week and have added Rosie to the dolly shelf on Tuesday.
And with the half term hols in mind, I thought I'd create some special cushions for children...you're never too young to appreciate vintage you know! In actual fact, I have had several little girls inside my shop over the last few weeks, some buying little gifts for their Mum for Valentines Day, and some spending their pocket money on a treat for themselves...So sweet and truly heartwarming to see the younger generation enjoying 'old'.

I needed to take down the recent Valentine promotion in the window, so I swapped the few hearts that I had left for the new cushions and included some other children's collectables with the display.

The other two cushions can be found on the iron bed inside the shop.
I've also sewn some more 'rounded bottom' linen bags using vintage hand embroidery as the main feature!
These are dotted around the shop amongst the ever changing arrangements.



OK, have a great day...I'm off to open up now!
Niki x