A simple project, but one of a slight departure for me. When I sit down to sew, everything has to be so precise and measured, for a professional finish. As a result, I sometimes feel a little restrained and long to work a bit more freely.
I realise there is nothing particularly clever about these simply wrapped candles, but by using ragged bits of lace, I do feel they have a time-worn look that fits well with my love for vintage. I was wondering whether to make a few with special embellishments for the V&H fair...
I mean, it is all too easy to stick with doing what you know, but to break-free once in a while is a great feeling.

Or do I take along what people will be expecting me to take, all of which have proved to be good sellers in the past? I'm all for moving a business forward and trying out new ideas, but should I be sticking to what I've always done, with a 'don't fix what ain't broke' kind of attitude?
Perhaps I should stop philosophising and go with my gut-feeling; some things won't be successful, but not trying probably isn't a good approach...Ha! I'm going round in circles here! (And some would say "is that all you have to worry about?"!)
Well, I'm off out with friends today...I'm looking forward to a few hours in the big wide world, rather than the four walls of my workroom...hopefully that should clear my head and have me thinking with a bit more focus! ;-))
Have a lovely day,
Niki x