My in-laws have left for home this morning, hopefully not taking with them the fluey/cold virus that struck me down the day that they arrived! Thankfully I managed to make it through the worst with the help of several doses of these...
and am feeling a lot more like my usual self this afternoon...

I made a quick trip into Bath, to a vintage fashion fair this morning. I wasn't really feeling 100% and so did a quick flit round, finding these treasures on the way, and then it was back home, out of the torrential rain, and to try to catch up with everything that's been neglected over the last few days.

French treasures: Original c1910 fabric panel, a set of 3 pleated silk lampshades and a delicious rose printed fabric covered box.
Another Edwardian photo collage that I completed, using some pretty antique lace and trims...


And talking of antique lace, Louise and I arranged a private swap between ourselves; Lovely lace in exchange for some vintage fabric scraps.

And talking of antique lace, Louise and I arranged a private swap between ourselves; Lovely lace in exchange for some vintage fabric scraps.
At the top is the beautiful lace that Louise sent to me, along with some other surprise treasures...

Also included were some feedsack patchwork pieces and the retro trims below. Thanks again Louise...and 'happy crafting' with your vintage fabric scraps...when they make it to you across the pond! ;-))
Another parcel also arrived for me this week...this one from Monica, which was a complete surprise. Inside was this wonderful handmade wooden gingerbread man for our festive tree this year. Thanks again Monica...he'll be very much at home with our homespun decorations here at The Stone House! x

That's all for now...hope you've had a lovely weekend and have a good week too! I'm hoping for some good news re: my shop-to-be, by the end of this week...fingers crossed...and I'm also hoping to find the time for a bit of Christmas crafting.

That's all for now...hope you've had a lovely weekend and have a good week too! I'm hoping for some good news re: my shop-to-be, by the end of this week...fingers crossed...and I'm also hoping to find the time for a bit of Christmas crafting.
Niki x
Rag doll available at www.nostalgia-stonehouse.co.uk