'The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them'.
Thomas Merton.
I think I may have mentioned before how much I love vintage mirrors. I'm not a vain person I hasten to add - far too busy (read old!) to spend my time faffing in front of my reflected image!
Although I have enjoyed catching a glimpse of my daughters over the years, gazing at themselves, trying to decide if they like what they see...
Its all part of the teenage years, isn't it?...
'Do I 'fit in'?'
Or 'Am I unique?', depending on the level of their confidence...
I am happy to say that all three of my girls have far more self-confidence than I think I shall ever have and I admire them greatly for that...they shouldn't change a thing and should relish all that life brings them as they each move further and further away from my nurturing grasp...
The old mirrors that I place about our home have been collected over many years and are not just there to offer the approving evidence that my daughters seek...

The ones that generally find a home with us have ornate or quirky frames; after all, it is this which will provide the decorative feature within a room. French mirrors are an eternal favourite, with their rose garlands, curlicues, or acanthus swags providing a little opulence within an ordinary family home.
Of course the light they each reflect and bounce around a room is uplifting, particularly during the winter months. But it is often the framed views that they offer, that really make me content. Like ever-changing pictures on the wall, but with an added depth that is so tempting - I sometimes feel like climbing through into that other place...
The aged glass, frequently with a few areas of missing silvering or with a slightly yellowish tinge, reminiscent of those old black and white movies that crackle and flicker across the screen, reinforce that feeling that it would be somewhere secure and protected to escape to.


A few months ago when I had a stall at a local flea market, I had several assorted mirrors for sale amongst the treasures. A young girl picked up one of them and expressed an interest, but kept umming and ahhing....
She said she loved it, but already had a mirror in the room where she would like it situated.
And added 'You can't have two mirrors in one room, can you?'

I had to smile...if that's the case, then I've seriously broken the rules! ;-))
I encouraged her to go for it...Not because of the potential sale, but I was keen for this young girl to surround herself with the things that she loved and to not worry about what people might think. To create a nest personal to oneself is to create an environment where you feel safe and secure, at ease and completely comfortable - if visitors to your home don't like it, does it matter?

She made the purchase and we both exchanged beaming grins...I just hope that the views that she has created with that old mirror, bring her great pleasure and the magical touch of escapism.

More than ever before, I think its important for us to be happy in our homes. Many are in financial difficulties, or are stuck within a property due to the stagnant housing market, so to live amongst the adornments that speak and bring joy to us, can be a redeemer.

For example, adding a coat of paint to the frame, in a colour that makes you happy...
Where's the harm?

To express yourself in this way is truly liberating and is something that many of us love to do.

Do you worry about what others might think? Or are you courageous?

Would someone visiting your home for the first time be able to work out what sort of person lives there? Do you give yourself away by displaying the pieces that you love for all to see...or are you more guarded?
I personally feel that anything goes these days, as with fashion - we all wear what we please. Our homes are an extension of us and I think should reflect our lifestyle, loves, quirks and collections.

Why so many magazines and TV programmes promote a neutral scheme, and a 'light and airy space', is beyond me. (A pet hate of my hubby's - He hates the word 'space' when referring to a room - he says space is up there, its a room that you're decorating! - heehee...he'll often sit with me watching this type of show, but we both dislike them for what they try to encourage!)

You only have to take a tour around blogland to find hundreds of people who are happily doing their own thing when decorating and accessorising their homes...

So if you are one of those who are a little scared when it comes to decorating, then I say just have a go...if it makes you happy, then that is what is important. Ultimately, it is you that lives in your home, not the visitors that come and go and may not approve.
What do you think?
And what do you do when you find a frame minus its mirror? Place a pretty piece of fabric within it and enjoy the beautiful design.
Have a fun day!
Niki x