Three posts in one just to catch up with the busy week that was last week...Saturday arrived at the end of a hectic time at work and home...and so the fun of the fair was a welcome distraction...The Original Vintage & Handmade Textile & Fashion Fair to be precise. 
I'm afraid I didn't take many photos on the day, as I didn't find the time, except for a few of my own stall just before we opened.

Thank you to all who visited the fair, stopped to say hello and made a purchase or two - I am very grateful. Thanks too, to Jayne and Michele for organising such a well attended event.

I didn't find much time for buying either, but was more than happy with the few treasures that came my way...
The plate is actually a footed cake stand that I bought from Belinda, along with the cute baby slippers. Jayne very kindly gave me the doll face, which I shall be making into a
flapper girl hat stand... And then there's this
strange little collection from Lizzie...No idea what I shall do with it, but will enjoy the challenge of recycling the feather leaves, flowers and gorgeous velvet sash! At the end of the fair, hubby and I had to quickly pack away and set off for home as we had a very important visit to make to a barber's shop in Fleet Street, London!
All this week our youngest daughter has been performing in her last school production, so there's been lots of taxiing there and back to do! This year they had chosen the very challenging dark operetta of Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (music and lyrics by Steven Sondheim.)
We were so proud of her - Our little girl put her heart and soul into her performance of Lucy, Todd's wife, who has become a beggar on the streets after Todd being unjustly convicted and sent to Australia.
We almost didn't recognise her pretty little face plastered in so much hideous make-up!
(Somehow, the head of costume forgot to hire an outfit for Lucy, and so there I was making a pair of long bloomers out of vintage lace (all that I had to hand naturally! ;-)) at 8pm on Monday evening. We also raided our wardrobes for the rest of her bedraggled ensemble! - What a week!)Here she is troubled, when she discovers Todd's frustrations, and how he is now intent on avenging himself on the world...


She had two solo's to sing...
This one a very difficult piece, singing of her lost child.

(Where she gets her confidence from, I don't know?!) ...
Those of a nervous disposition, look away now! ;-))
In a moment of panic, Todd kills Lucy, not realising who she is...
Followed by the scene where all becomes clear and he is both heartbroken and angry for taking Lucy's life. (The lovely Sydney portrayed Sweeney perfectly - another star in the making.)

But his own murder by Tobias follows shortly afterwards...

Despite the slashed necks, all of the principles where in the final scene to sing out the end of the show!

It was a fantastic show, the best that we had seen at the school - Perfectly cast and rehearsed by the dedicated students.
Then up early the next morning for Sunday's flea market!
Thankfully a beautiful sunny day dawned and the crowds poured into the Showground...
Here's something you don't see very often in February...

Stall holders enjoying alfresco dining beside their wares!
Wait a minute! I recognise that gate-crasher!
Teresa had caught her too! (standing behind)

You may well smile, Sue...I don't know, sitting down on the job when you should be hunting for treasures!
And another thing you don't see every day...
The flea market turns up all sorts of things! Isn't he lovely?! (Yes, a real one, not a vintage taxidermy specimen!)

So, getting my blog back on track after those sinister Sweeney moments...
My purchases from the day were particularly rose inspired...which is always good! :)
I found: a beautiful square of Victorian chenille which will make a gorgeous cushion.
Lots of French fashion magazines from the 1930's.
A stunning Victorian china pedestal which I plan on making into a small table or plant stand, by adding a top.
1930's lace door curtains and a crisp cotton baby gown.
Adorable handmade and hand-painted silk box (made in France, I believe.)
Dreamy rose china, perfume bottle, small wooden box (made-over at the end of this post) a lots of Victorian paper scraps. 
A huge bunch of silk roses...These are for an event I am working on for the autumn - More of that another time! ;-))
Not a bad haul!

A couple of treasures just for me...this wonderful box with hand-painted pansies came from this lovely lady (as did the fab silk roses above.)

Along with this yummy china jug that I shall be using as a vase for the spring flowers starting to reveal themselves in our garden.

I'm looking forward to a much calmer and simpler week this week...if that's ever the case with a teenager in the house...but we can try...
I started yesterday by painting the picture frame I mentioned...and also this simple make-over. The original motif on the top of this little wooden box had gone, so I added one of the pretty Victorian scraps instead. I waxed over the top for protection.
I have started to add a few items to my
on-line shop this week too.
Thanks for stopping-by and have a great week,
Niki x
Sorry, no idea why the font on this post has changed throughout, but will try to rectify for the next one.