I've always allowed my girls to have their bedrooms as they like; in fact my daughter painted her bedroom herself...those who know me would know that the bright yellow wouldn't have been my choice! ;-))

Let's just say, for a small room, it was particularly untidy, despite half the contents now being in a halls of residence over in Wales! It took me pretty much all day to have the room looking clean and tidy. We've decided that after Christmas we shall indeed be moving the wall and door, which will create a square room. I'll then be able to redecorate and finally say goodbye to the yellow...I'm hopeful that daughter No.2 will get used to my choice if she only has to see it during the holidays, and the extra space she'll have will hopefully make her see that we were right to change the layout of the room.

It takes a bit of getting used to having two spare bedrooms now...things are certainly a lot quieter around here...
It takes a bit of getting used to only buying enough food for 3 as well...ooops! ;-))

Anyway, moving on....the gardening didn't get done on Saturday, as the blitzing of the bedroom took a lot longer than anticipated.
It's a beautiful day today though, so hopefully when the dew has dried off the hydrangeas, I will be able to harvest them this afternoon...

I did find a bit of time for some thrifting.
Amongst my finds were a 'few' buttons! ;-))

Some lovely old glass Christmas baubles.

A little Carlton Ware dish, sadly missing its china spoon, but I always feel these are worth buying for the box alone! LOVE those colourful flowers on the lid.

And some vintage textile pieces including an unusual embroidered linen cushion cover with tufty flowers!

Another project that I had planned for the weekend was to create the china flower garland on my old mirror. Thank you to everyone for your suggestions as to what adhesive I should use. Many of the flowers had long china stalks on the back, which would have been difficult to glue down in the position that I would have liked. In the end I decided to try regular linseed oil putty; which of course we didn't have any of at home, so the project was put on hold until I was able to go out yesterday to buy some. Last night, whilst hubby was out for the evening, I settled down with my pot of putty, knife and china flowers, (and my 'Miss Potter' DVD playing on the TV) and had a go...

The putty meant that I could embed the stalks into it, which did seem to work well, but I have no idea if it is actually going to be successful, as it takes between 21 and 28 days for the putty to dry!

The putty meant that I could embed the stalks into it, which did seem to work well, but I have no idea if it is actually going to be successful, as it takes between 21 and 28 days for the putty to dry!