It's my Blogs 1st Birthday today!! Over a year ago I used to enjoy visiting the blogs of three lovely ladies; they belonged to Louise, Gena and Donna. After reading about the events in their lives for a few weeks, I felt the need to give something back, so I started to write my own blog. I never expected all of the warm comments that I received, how much fun the whole thing could be and added to this I have been very lucky to have met some fellow bloggers! I am a very visual person and often feel that I have little to say, but am always amazed when people have read my latest post and choose to leave a comment! Thank you!
There have been times where I have struggled to return comments; with a home to run, three children and my website, (you know how it goes) I have sometimes neglected you! A lot of my stock is handmade so I need time to sit at my sewing machine as well as the computer!! I apologise if I have upset any of you lovely ladies, but I do admit to being a lurker at times, when time is short!
I also wanted to use Blogger as a way of getting my website noticed. I had run it for a few years previously, but blogger has been amazing advertising. I would like to thank all of those who have visited my site and made a purchase over the last year - you are VERY much appreciated.
I also wanted to use Blogger as a way of getting my website noticed. I had run it for a few years previously, but blogger has been amazing advertising. I would like to thank all of those who have visited my site and made a purchase over the last year - you are VERY much appreciated.

As a thank you to all who have visited my blog, I would like to enter you into a draw. The prize will be this pile of vintage fabric scraps, perfect for patchwork and other small sewing projects. They range in age from C19th French to fun 1950's florals. They are tied with antique French lace and in addition are some linen buttons and a rose corsage. If you would like to be included, please leave a comment to this post. I am happy to ship the prize overseas and it is open to non-bloggers too! (just be aware that if your name is drawn, I will need to ask for your delivery address.) I shall make the draw on Friday 6th July, so please call back then, when I shall announce it on my blog!

I would also just like to thank all who have sent me cards after my sale (see post below). Added to the beautiful flowers and gifts that I also received, I felt completely spoiled!
Special thanks to my creative daughter who designed my new blog banner - a new year, a new look! Mmmm....maybe I should change my profile pic, seeing as I am another year older!....
I'm off to to visit a vintage textile fair now (camera in hand!) Have a great day, Niki x