Some of you may remember, just before Christmas last year, I completed a pair of patchwork curtains for our back living room. (The post all about them can be found
here, followed by a bit of tweaking
Initially I was pleased with all the work, but soon found I couldn't live with so many colours...
The patchwork curtains will look lovely (I'm sure! ;-)) in our spare bedroom, which will be used by our granddaughter when she's a little older and wants to stay for a sleepover. (This room is still a work in progress, which I am slowly getting finished during my occasional free moments at home.)
Anyway, you may have spotted a few changers happening when I posted a glimpse of the room from our hallway...
It started with the
makeover I performed on the old tapestry armchair in December, which set the colour scheme back to my favourite red and white.
After taking down the patchwork curtains, I made another set from antique French lace panels (very tatty and full of holes...don't look too closely! ;-)), which I backed in C19th French linen sheets.

I love the way the light shines through them showing up the details and holes; those that should be there, and those that shouldn't really! ;-))

A little toile tieback wrapped around each curtain brings in a touch more red.

I made a small pelmet too from a piece of antique French quilted fabric that I bought many years ago, but lacked the confidence to use...But then I thought, what's the point in having treasures, if they're just stored away and not seen and enjoyed?
So, a few stitches later and it was done...I think it would have once been part of a bed canopy, as I have several more feet of it!
The curtains behind the glass in our fitted cupboard got changed back to red check (again)! (Something I did when we first moved to our house over a decade ago now, so perhaps I got it right first time and should have stuck with it?! ;-))

The French mirror that I bought
last year is waiting to be hung on the wall above the arm chair, next to the lilac picture that I love.

With the other chairs in this room, we now have a lovely sociable area, perfect for sitting and chatting without the distraction of the TV in the main sitting room.

Its always been a difficult room to furnish, as it needs to be a walk-through; 3 rooms lead off it and there's the staircase down to my workroom too.

The little set of drawers to the left of the window were originally painted green.

I decided a dusty French grey would be more to our taste...
And I wanted to team them with an old French 'ghost mirror', I believe some people call them...

Which is where the silvering on the back is so distressed, that you can no longer see a reflection... Just the way I like them! ;-))
I painted the mirror frame to match, but I wanted the drawers to have a more French style to them to coordinate better with the mirror. I bought this rose moulding on-line. I would have liked to have bought several, to really go to town on an ornate look, but buying just two would have cost me more than the price of the drawers themselves! - So I settled for just one.
To be honest, the quality was not as good as I was expecting when it arrived, and the measurements given were confusing, so the garland was bigger than I anticipated. Luckily I was able to trim it and alter the shape a little to fit the top drawer.
Once painted, it did look better...


And hopefully is a bit more stylish as a complete ensemble!

Since finishing it, I've also had a play with the bits and bobs on top. There's the
antique shoe stuffers that I had as a Christmas gift from a friend, which I have tied together and hung from the mirror. The painted floral mirrored panel is one that I've had for years and years and have always loved. I just propped it against the large mirror.

The single C19th satin wedding slipper is a recent purchase from an antiques fair (yes, it's all on it's own...sadly it lost its partner somewhere along the way), which I teamed with some gorgeous velvet roses (a gift from my friend again) and a little floral cushion that I made many moons ago, which helps them to stand up straight.


Covered in a glass cloche for protection (and less
dusting! ;-)).

Faffing complete...time to enjoy the room.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend,
Niki x

I've been trying to add some more links to some of the new blogs that I've discovered recently, into my blog's 'links' on my sidebar below, but they just won't save into my list. Is anyone else having this problem? Or maybe I already have too many and there's a limit? - Am I being rationed?! I'd be sad to have to delete some to make space...Any help gratefully received, thank you.
N x