I had a fruitful day at the flea market on Sunday. My latest acquisitions include some beautiful postcards, vintage costume brooches.....

Antique lace......

And fabulous fabrics....

Which will all be used in my next selection of handmade goods.
I am so glad (no pun intended!) that I spent a couple of hours in my garden at the beginning of the year, getting some Gladioli bulbs into the ground. I have been rewarded with these stunning blooms. They are so easy to grow and provide a dramatic splash of colour as we head into the autumnal season, when other flowers are beginning to fade.

Lastly I would like you to meet a friend of mine!
She happily sits on our raised decking most days and doesn't flinch when I walk past her with a basket full of laundry, as I trek down to the washing line. (Or to take her photograph!)

She does have a mate and they spend hours in our garden preening each other.

I can't believe it will be September tomorrow; time certainly flies by. It's good to stop now and then to look at the flowers blooming and the birds enjoying the late summer sunshine.

She does have a mate and they spend hours in our garden preening each other.

I can't believe it will be September tomorrow; time certainly flies by. It's good to stop now and then to look at the flowers blooming and the birds enjoying the late summer sunshine.
Enjoy your weekend, Niki x