It was lovely for us to have all our girls together.
(Thank you for your kind wishes - our eldest made it through the festivities with her 'flu-plus' tablets to hand.)
We enjoyed gift giving in the living room...

And some good food.



After the two day confinement, we went off to the cinema to watch a fun family movie - You're never too old, you know! ;-))

(Megamind, images courtesy of Dreamworks Animation)
We also hit the sales, but, despite vouchers burning a hole in our pockets, we weren't very inspired...

So today, middle daughter and I decided to visit the Jane Austen Museum in Bath, as we had promised ourselves for a long time...Not entirely sure I'd recommend it...although some improvement work was ongoing...
I did buy a lovely poster of the fashions of the time in the gift shop, which I will cut up and use in some crafting later this week. I still have a few days off before I plan to be back at my shop - Having been away from my PC for several days over the Christmas period, I realised how much time I spend on it...It does beg the question; ' to blog, or not to blog'...I think I do need to cut back next year and to post less, to give myself the 'me' time I have been unable to have this year...So this will be my New Year's resolution...(I had planned on writing my 'look back' at 2010 as my last post for this year, so hope to find the time for that.)
Enjoy the final days of 2010,
Niki x