I would like to thank all who have made a purchase from my website so far this year. I do intend to have a huge update when I return, with lots of new items and new ideas for gifts or the home. (I will inform all of those on my mailing list when the update has been made and I shall also post it on my blog.)
I have experienced lots of problems with 'Portland' who host my website, which has been out of my control. I therefore expect that when my website is back up and running, these will all be in the past.
I hope that you understand and I also hope that this will be of benefit to my website and blog's future, keeping them both fresh and interesting.
As a taster of what will be to come, here are some photos of some new items that I have been working on recently......

I hope that you all have a fantastic summer (if you are in the Northern hemisphere! Otherwise, winter!) and I look forward to coming back in a few weeks time....
Niki x
Update 25th July - Thanks to all for your kind comments. I am finding it very hard to switch off from my website and am working on a new range of dolls and bags at the moment.
(I have had to turn off anonymous comments to my blog for now, as I have been receiving spam comments.)